B is for Business as Usual

Business as usual doesn’t exist

Business as usual has never existed …at least, not as a ‘normality’ that we can go back to

There is no ‘back to normal’

We may long to go back to things as they were before

But while we struggle to regain the stability of the familiar, capitalists are busying mapping out their new normal

Business as usual means only this: ceaseless change within limited horizons

...innovation without end but with depressingly inevitable consequences…

New products, new technologies, new ways of exploiting humans, other animals, other life and our planet

Their ‘creativity’ is our destruction

Business as usual means everlasting uncertainty and agitation

Business as usual means a continuous compulsion to adjust our lives to the new ways of the world

Above all, business-as-usual means back to work, back to a world of wage-labour

…back to a world in which our access to wealth is determined by our ability to earn a wage…

…a world in which our social worth is determined by our wage

How can we refuse the equation of social worth and wage?

How can we refuse the return to business as usual?