C is for Commonwealth

We get told that to get wealth, we need money. And to get money, we have to do waged work.

And that the people who own the businesses where we work or the places we live are “wealth creators”.

When it’s us who are creating the wealth…

That’s if you assume that Wealth=Money

And of course it doesn’t...

As we have all learned in the past months, we all need food, shelter and safety, which should never depend on money.

After that:

Wealth = Time

Wealth = Family, friends, neighbours

Wealth = Nature

Wealth = Health

Wealth = Creativity

So-called “wealth creation” consumes our time, our energy, our relationships - our wealth.

But, every day, we do things together, we make things together, we cooperate. We create wealth in common.

Sharing love and care

Growing and sharing food

Sharing ideas and skills

Creating and making

Sharing action

Together, we can create beautiful moments in common.

Look at all this wealth we create. Our commonwealth. Imagine how we could thrive if we could share it.